Compositions, Improvised and exhibitions.

Animated notation  

Alternative Representation of Sound and Music

Melodiska rörelser för en högtalare/Melodic movements for one loudspeaker

Premiered at NYCEMF, 16th june 2024 (New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival)

Photo from one of SEAMS mono concerts

En röst; en linje som sätter sig själv i perspektiv endast genom sin rörelse; sin färd i tiden. En linje som kanske lockar till kontrapunkt, men som här i stället får färdas fram i tiden utan annan beledsagning än vårt minne av dess rörelse.

A voice; a line that puts itself in perspective only through its movement; it's journey through time. A line that may tempt to counterpoint, but which here instead may travel in time without any other accompaniment than our memory of its own movement.

In the ”Studies for one speaker” in which the ”Melodiska rörelser för en högtalare/Melodic movements for one loudspeaker” is a part, I am searching for the starting point from where my melodic lines derives from, to achieve perspective on what a melody can be. 

Searching for a swinging language hidden somewhere in the realm of imagination, the swinging between myself and my surroundings.

By playing many different kind of melodies such as in improvisations, traditional swedish folk melodies, folk music from different parts of the world, I have experienced that there are a lot of similarities in terms of what a melody is. In another context of these investigations: Where/when are the boundaries between when you start experiencing the sounds as a melody and where/when does it stop being one.

2020 invention for EA and video no.11

Improvisation in Gotland seabelt (with some added reverb.)





Ljudbio X


Klangkonst på Omnikvariatet.

Participating in Johanna Hästö and Kolbein Karlsson's project 'Ritverkstan' with improvisations and låtspel.


13th Swedish folkmusic on soprano saxophone at Tomas Bodén -Civilistjävels release of the new album Brödföda. In Copenhagen at FELT & HUSET.

1st of september Celebration, EMS 60 years at Scenkonstmuseet in Stockholm.

Ljudet i Lunden II (4 - channels)

16 - 22 of June: NYCEMF, New York City.

Melodiska rörelser för en högtalare/Melodic movements for one loudspeaker.